In my last blog post about weed, I presented information concerning the many benefits of this green leafy, aromatic plant. NO, I AM NOT PROMOTING WEED AND IT'S USE OF ANY SORT. I KNOW THAT THE USE OF WEED IS ILLEGAL IN MY AREA AND I WOULD NEVER DO THAT. I am just presenting some essential facts and opinions that I think are very interesting.
SOME PROFESSIONALS SAY that there are great benefits to using this green stuff BUT other professionals say that there
ARE DETRIMENTAL DOWN SIDES TO USING MARIJUANA AS WELL. Actually the information that I found in my research, if actually true is ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! The information is shocking because people around the globe have given their thumbs up to weed. One website that I checked out claims that there is nothing wrong with weed at all. I would think after reading this article on weed that this person, eats, breaths and lives a SUPER WEED LIFE! The website that I WILL NOT NAME promotes weed to the height. If I was an ALIEN from another planet I would think that WEED is a CURE ALL CURRENCY. This website promotes weed in EVERY POSITIVE LIGHT POSSIBLE. I KNOW WHAT THIS PERSON'S HOUSE, CLOTHING, ANIMALS, CHILDREN, AND BREATH SMELLS LIKE! (ROFL) I AM SORRY I DIGRESS. Let's get back to the information. Lets take a look what has been said.

It has been said that WEED, MARIJUANA, CANNABIS as they are so affectionately known as has downsides. (1) It is said that
WEED is known as as a
IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT. It weakens or diminishes the activity of immune cells in the lungs, which work to stop respiratory infections, by decreasing their ability to kill bacteria and fungus. It has been shown in biopsies that there is a great loss in the airway cells and that they are being replaced by cells that secret mucus, hindering the defense mechanism.
It is also said that people with HIV should not use weed because it makes the disease progress faster. There has also been a link to TUBERCULOSIS. This is because when people who have TB share bongs and pipes, it encourages the transmission.

(2) It is said that
WEED MAKES MENTAL HEATH PROBLEMS WORSE. Marijuana users boast about its mental health benefits, but research shows it can compound mental health problems, such as
BIPOLAR disorder and SCHIZOPHRENIA, in people with a predisposition for these conditions. If a person has any underlying psychosis, particularly schizophrenia, cannabis increases the psychotic state.

(3) It is said that
WEED DAMAGES THE LUNGS. Even though one study found that there is no association what so ever between weed and LUNG CANCER, it did find that there are respiratory risks because just like tobacco, weed has carcinogens. It is said that there are pre-cancerous changes in the airwaves of heavy marijuana users WHO DON'T SMOKE TOBACCO. (4) Some studies have found lower IQ rates and poorer apprehension and perception in teens who smoke pot. Who knows if this is actually true. It could be that the teens smoking the pot may have already had lower IQ's from the beginning! Who knows?
THERE YOU HAVE IT! I would love to hear what you have to say on this matter. Don't be SHY! Let me know how you feel! Please COMMENT, LIKE, SHARE AND GO ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGES AND SUBSCRIBE. Until the next time my GOOD and PROSPEROUS PEOPLE! BE LOVING, BE KIND, BE WATCHFUL AND BE SAFE!!!!!!
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