I suddenly woke up out of my sleep in the very early A.M. of the morning. I could not go back to sleep so I decided to look at a video that someone posted online. It scared me
H-A-L-F to death. I was groggy and sleepy BUT believe you, believe me IT WOKE ME UP! This video was shocking and very scary. There was a young man on an operating table with his head cut open. It looked as if there were hundreds of worms hanging out of this man's head. There were hundreds of these tapeworms wiggling around in his brain. They looked so gross. They looked so nasty. They looked so scary. This man was a foreigner, and I know this probably was in an under developed country BUT I know that we have a problem here in the U.S. I was wondering if it was ACTUALLY real or even if it had been ALTERED! Just the thought of it makes me sooooooooooooo very uncomfortable. Just the thought of it even makes me itch. What am I talking about? I am talking about TAPEWORMS!

According to some sources, there are about 1500 types of species of tapeworms. It is said that in the United States, infections are due primarily to three types of tapeworm species: the beef tapeworm, the fish tapeworm, and the dwarf tapeworm (the smallest species that infects humans). The tapeworm is considered the oldest parasite in the WORLD. They come in different shape and sizes, depending on the infection. They are described as flat and ribbon like. Tapeworms have three parts to their bodies: the head, the neck and the body segments. Tapeworms can cause dysfunction to the body and to the brain. These foreigners can be paralyzing, causing great havoc. THESE LITTLE CREATURES CAN MULTIPLY IN THE BODY!
WHAT ARE TAPEWORMS? How do people get tapeworms? What are the signs and symptoms? How can I get rid of them? A
TAPEWORM is parasitic flatworm, the adult of which lives in the intestine of humans and other vertebrates. It has a long ribbon like body with many segments that can become independent, and a small head bearing hooks and suckers. PEOPLE GET TAPEWORMS by eating undercooked food, basically PORK, FISH and BEEF that is undercooked. These foods have been infested by larvae of these worms. Here's how it goes: Tapeworm eggs are generally swallowed or absorbed through food, water or soil contaminated with human or animal feces. For example, if a pig has a tapeworm, it may pass eggs or segments of the adult tapeworm through its feces into soil. Each segment contains thousands of microscopic tapeworm eggs. These eggs can be absorbed through food contaminated with the feces. Once the eggs have been swallowed, they develop into larvae, which can go out of the intestines and form cysts in other tissues such as the lungs or liver. This type of infection is not common with beef or fish tapeworms, but can occur with the pork tapeworms.

SOME PEOPLE NEVER HAVE any signs or symptoms of a tape worm. In other cases they are clear and apparent. Some people experience upper abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Some may develop anemia if they have a fish tape worm. Infection is generally recognized when the infected person passes segments of proglottids in the stool (looks like white worms), especially if a segment is moving. It is very rare that worms cause obstruction in the intestine. It is also said that is very rare that theses tapeworms larvae can travel to the brain causing severe headaches, seizures, meningitis, hydrocephalus or dementia. Death can occur in severe cases of infection and other neurological problems. If this does occur, it can take many years of development before a person would have the symptoms. TAPEWORMS can be treated effectively by prescribed medications. Tapeworms can be treated NATURALLY AS WELL. Since parasites love sugar and everything that turns into sugar, the best way is to starve the parasites through using healthy fasting and cleansing strategies while eliminating as much sugar and grains as possible from the diet. There are several herbs and foods that act as very strong anti-parasitic agents.
Extra-virgin coconut oil can enhance the immune system in its battle against pathogens.
Raw garlic and
onions provide sulfur containing amino acids that are anti-parasitic. Eat six tablespoons of raw, extra virgin coconut oil, one whole clove of garlic, and one large red onion daily to help parasite proof your body.
Dried oregano and especially essential oil of oregano are extremely volatile and anti-parasitic. Use 2-3 drops of oregano oil in water with fresh squeezed lemon and drink this 3x daily. Clove works just as well so you could also substitute or use clove oil with oregano oil. Ginger, wormwood, black walnut are also commonly used in anti-parasitic strategies.

THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS! The take on tapeworms. We have to be so very careful because they do affect our lives. Do you have tapeworms? How do you know? Tell me what you think! Please COMMENT SHARE, LIKE, AND SUBSCRIBE. UNTIL THE NEXT TIME MY SWEETIES, BE KIND, BE CLEAN, BE SAFE, BE CAREFUL and watch out for TAPEWORMS!
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