Some like it spicy. Some like it to burn. Some like it HOT, very HOT! What in the world am I talking about? Get your DIRTY MINDS out of the gutter (LOL). I am talking about one of the greatest natural CREATIONS on the earth. I am talking about a PEPPER. Not just regular black or cracked pepper, but I am talking about CAYENNE PEPPER. Some people have been using it for years and have been receiving GREAT benefits. Have you? Do you use Cayenne Pepper? Do you like to feel the burn, the warmness going down your throat? If not, you should try it sometimes. I do warn you, not every one can use Cayenne Pepper. IT IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART, OR THE WEAK. It will definitely put hair on your chest so to speak, so BEWARE!
CAYENNE PEPPER is also know by many names. It is also known as the Guinea spice, the cow horn pepper, aleva, bird pepper, or in it's powdered form, the red pepper. It is related to bell peppers, jalapenos, paprika, and others as well. This is a hot pepper that is used to flavor dishes. It is named for the city of Cayenne in French Guinea. Cayenne is usually used when cooking spicy dishes. It is used as a powder, or in it's whole form, or in a thin, vinegar based sauce. It is also used as an herbal supplement.
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE BENEFITS OF CAYENNE PEPPER? (1) Anti-Irritant Properties. This amazing pepper has the ability to ease an upset stomach. Ulcers, sore throats, spasmodic and irritating coughs, and diarrhea. (2)
Anti-Fungal Properties. One study mentioned that cayenne pepper could effectively prevent the formation of some fungal pathogens. (3)
Migraine Headache Prevention. This may relate to Cayenne's ability to stimulate a pain response in a different area of the body, thus changing the brain's attention to a different area. Following the initial pain reaction, the nerve fibers have a depleted pain chemical, and then the perception of pain is lessened.

Anti-Allergen. Cayenne is an anti agent and even has claims of alleviating allergies. Cayenne is well known for being a digestive aid. It stimulates the digestive tract, increasing the flow of enzymes and gastric juices. This helps the body's ability to metabolize food, as well as toxins. Cayenne is also good in helping with gas. It stimulates the intestines motions helping in both the assimilation and the elimination. (5)
Useful for Blood Clots. Cayenne pepper also helps reduce atherosclerosis. It encourages fibrinolytic activity and prevents factors that lead to the formation of blood clots, all of which can help reduce the chances of a heart attack or stroke. (6)
Anti-Bacterial Properties. Cayenne's is what some call an excellent preservative and has been used to prevent food contamination from bacteria. (7)
Possible Anti Cancer Agent. Some studies that have been done found that cayenne pepper may help to prevent LUNG CANCER in smokers. This may be related to the pepper's high quality of it's powerful ingredient called CAPSAICIN. This substance may help to stop the formation of tobacco induced lung tumors. Other studies have shown that a similar reaction in cayenne's resistance to liver tumors. (8)
Supports Weight Loss. Some Scientists say that it helps with weight loss. They did an experiment where they took it for breakfast. They found tha they have less appetite, leading to less caloric intake through out the day. Cayenne is also a Great METABOLIC BOOSTER which aids the body in burning excess amounts of fats.

There you have it! My take on matters. Try using CAYENNE PEPPER, don't be SCARED! Please let let me know what you think. Please. SHARE, COMMENT, LIKE AND SHARE. Until the next time my PEEPS! BE KIND, BE CAREFUL, BE SAFE, AND BE HOT, VERY HOT, CAYENNE PEPPER HOT! (LMBO)
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