I remember years ago my dear mother use to smoke cigarettes. I remember as a young child she would puff and blow with extreme enjoyment. As she grew older she found out that it affected her health and decided she needed to stop smoking. She did some research and decided that she would go COLD TURKEY WITH PRAYER. Cold turkey means that she would stop smoking immediately without any substitutes or help what so ever, other then PRAYER! She was very successful with the method she used. She put down those cigarettes and never looked or turned back. Even though she never returned to smoking she did tell me that she would DREAM about it all of the time. She would dream about puffing on cigarettes and enjoying them immensely. She would dream about this for many years. I know that everyone can not go cold turkey like my dear, sweet mom BUT there are other methods that you can use. I know that quitting smoking is not easy at all BUT I have FAITH in you. I HAVE FAITH that you can stop. I have Faith that you can do anything that you want to do. Think about your health. Think about your loved ones. Think about you friends. Think about you future.
STRATEGIES THAT MAY WORK FOR YOU! (1) Set a quit date. Choose a date. Pick a day that you will stop smoking. Be serious. It is advisable to put this date on your calendar and even post it on my refrigerator. Tell your friends and family what you have decided to do ONLY if they are supportive. Think of this day as a new chapter in your life. Think of it as a day that will change you from a SMOKER to a NON SMOKER. (2)
THROW AWAY YOUR CIGARETTES. THROW ALLLLLLLLL OF THEM AWAY. This may be the hardest thing that you have to do, the hardest decision you have to make BUT you must get rid of them. Get rid of the temptation. THERE IS NO WAY that you can stop smoking cigarettes if they are still around, if they are easily accessible. You need to get rid of everything that is associated with them like: ashtrays, lighters, EVEN your secret stash you have hidden for emergencies, guest and hard times.

WASH ALL OF YOUR CLOTHES. This is important. Get rid of the smell of cigarettes as much as possible by washing ALL of your clothes. Please have your sweaters and coats dry cleaned. If you smoke in your car, have that cleaned or steam cleaned also. (4) Think about what your triggers. I am pretty sure you know what sets you off towards smoking. Is it stress? Is it family ? Is it a craving that compensates for something else? You know exactly what it is. I know you are aware of the time also when you smoke, like meal time, at a friends house, while driving or taking a stroll. Any situation where it feels automatic to have a cigarette is a trigger. Once you've certainly figured out your triggers, try these tips.
(a) BREAK THE LINK. If you smoke while you drive, get a ride, walk, take the bus so you can break the connection. If you smoke normally after meals, why don't you try to do something after you eat, like go go for walk or even talk to a friend.
(b) CHANGE THE PLACE. If you usually eat in the car so you can smoke, why don't you sit in the restaurant instead. Substitute something else for the cigarettes. It can be extremely hard not holding something in your hand or in your mouth. If you have this problem, stock up on celery, carrots, sugar free gum, mints, toothpicks, or even lollipops.
THERE YOU HAVE IT! My tips on how you can break the habit of cigarette smoking. As always I would love to hear from you. Tell me what you think. Please LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! Until the next time my people, BE KIND, BE CAREFUL, BE TENACIOUS, AND PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE CIGARETTES!
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