Are you in LOVE? Do you have that giddy, bubbly, butterfly in the stomach kind of feeling when you are around someone? Do you look into their eyes and dream of being held and caressed? Do you dream about spending every waking moment with this person? Do you often think about walking and strolling down the street with this person holding hands? If you do, you MAY be in love! Love from a romantic point of view is described as an intense feeling of deep affection, a feeling of warmth, depth and intimacy, and one of a deep romantic attachment. When a person is truly in love, they have a very deep and special connection.

MARRIAGE is described as union or legal contract between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws in some cases. Many persons that find themselves in love want to get married. Many people are looking for LOVE and they are looking for MARRIAGE also. They dream of an ultimate, unconditional love so they decide to make that marriage leap. I often ask myself, would I ever marry someone whom I don't love? Would you marry someone you don't love?

Usually in today's society marriage and love does go hand and hand, but some people, some men and some women get married for different reasons. Some even get married when they are not in love. Why?
(1) LONELINESS. Some people get married because they are lonely. Some people do not have a lot of friends or even family members and they feel alone. They seek companionship with a spouse and may feel that if they get married it will distinguish this emotional and estranged feeling.
(2) SEX. Some people get married because of sex. Even if there is no fireworks and/or love they may feel that they can get sex whenever they want because the person is right there. They may figure, how they could go wrong?
(3) FINANCIAL REASONS. Some people get married for financial reasons. Some persons marry for MONEY. They may feel that the other person is well off financially and that spells security for them.
FEAR. Some people get married because of fear. They have a fear of getting old, of aging. Some people feel that they do not want get older and die alone.
PEER PRESSURE. Some people get married because of peer pressure. Some people may feel that all of their friends are getting married. Their friends may constantly ask,"when are you getting married" ?
ULTIMATUMS. Some people get married because they are given ultimatums. Some people feel that they have been dating for a long time and it is time to make a decision.
COMFORT. Some people get married because of comfort. There is something very comfortable coming home to someone at the end of the day.
CAN A MARRIAGE LIVE WITHOUT LOVE? One woman mentioned how she has been in a marriage for ten years and she doesn't think that she loves her husband. She says that the lack of love does not fuel her for a sexual relationship with him. She feels that she should walk away because she is not being fulfilled. She feels that if she walks away that it will be better for her husband also because he deserves someone that loves him. SOME people seem to make the marriage work, at least they put on a front. Some people stay in a loveless marriage because of financial and property reasons. Some stay for the kids sake. Some stay because of time and investment and feel it would be too much work to find another mate. Some even stay in the marriage because they have made a
VOW and plan to keep it. So if there is no love in a marriage is it really ALIVE? Does the marriage really work? I think NOT!

THERE YOU HAVE IT. I SAID THERE YOU HAVE IT! My take on matters. Tell me yours. Please COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE! Until the next time my tenacious people, BE CARING, BE KIND, BE SAFE AND BE LOVING!
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