Some say processed foods are GOOD for us. Some say processed foods are BAD for us. Which one is it? I have to admit that buying processed foods have become a very easy thing to do. It does save money as well as time sometimes. It makes life a little more convenient, I might say. Even with it's convenience, processed foods can put a damper on our health. The ingredients that are used and/or added can be detrimental to our health. It has been said that the main reason why some people from all over the world are getting fat and sick is because of processed foods. How do they know? They claim that they know because every time a population decides to adopt a diet that is high in processed foods, they get ill. It happens within a few years. The claim is, their genes don't change their food change.

WHAT ARE PROCESSED FOODS? Processed foods or what others call it, convenience, or tertiary foods are commercially and chemically prepared foods designed for easy consumption. Chemically processed foods are made mainly from refined ingredients and artificial substances. Although some restaurants meet this definition, the term very seldom is applied to them. Convenience foods include prepared foods such as ready to eat foods like: pizza, pizza rolls, TV dinners, potato chips, corn chips, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, V8 juice, pretzels, tuna fish, hot dogs, smoked sausages, macaroni and cheese, frosted flakes, peaches and fruits in the can, vegetables in the can, crackers, ramen noodles, carry out foods and prepared mixes such as brownie and cake mixes, etc...
(1) PROCESSED FOODS USUALLY HAVE HIGH AMOUNTS OF SUGAR AND HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP! Processed Foods Are Usually High in Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup! Take a look at the labels. Processed foods contain a lot of added sugar in them. It has a lot of sugar or it has it's dreaded side kick fructose corn syrup. It is a well known fact that sugar, when consumed in an excess amount can be seriously harmful. Sugar is considered an empty calorie because it does not have essential ingredients, but gives off large amounts of energy. Some studies have shown that sugar can have devastating effects on the body like metabolism problems that go way beyond it's calorie content. It can also lead to insulin resistance, high triglycerides, increased levels of very harmful cholesterol and increased fat consumption in the organs such as the liver and the abdominal cavity. It is not surprising at all that SUGAR consumption is strongly associated with some of the world's leading killers including heart disease, diabetes, obesity and even CANCER!
(2) PROCESSED FOODS CONTAIN ALL SORTS OF ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS! If you have ever taken a look at a food label and looked at the ingredients for processed, packaged foods, there is a chance that you will not know what in the world these ingredients are. Usually they are ingredients that are not food at all, they are ingredients that have been added for various reasons. Some or even most processed foods have PRESERVATIVES which are chemicals that stop the foods from spoiling. Next are COLORANTS, colorants are chemicals that are used to give the food a specific color. Flavor, flavor are chemicals that give the food a particular flavor. Texturants, texturants are chemicals that give these foods a particular texture.

THERE YOU HAVE IT MY FOLKS! MY TAKE ON THE MATTER! Do you eat processed foods? You probably do. Please let me know how you feel about processed foods. Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE, AND COMMENT. Until the next time BE KIND, BE CAREFUL, BE MINDFUL AND CHECK OUT THOSE FOOD LABELS!
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