Does you get hit? No! Do you get smacked? No! Do you get kicked? No! Do you get choked? No! Do you get shoved? No! Do you get pushed? No! Do you have any broken bones? No! Do you have any fractures? No! Do you have any scrapes? No! Do you have wounds? No! Do you have any bruises? No! The answers to these questions show that there is possibly NO PHYSICAL abuse and that is EXCELLENT. With physical abuse there are obvious outer signs, signs that are apparent for all to see. What about VERBAL and/or EMOTIONAL abuse? Does verbal and emotional abuse have tell, tell signs? Does he have an outburst of anger or rage? Does he become jealous without reason? Does he insult you and call you derogatory names? Does he humiliate you? Does he prevent you from seeing your family and friends? What is verbal and emotional abuse anyway?

Verbal abuse happens within many households around the world. It does not matter what religion, ethnic group, background, neighborhood, race, gender, age or affiliation. WHAT IS VERBAL ABUSE? Verbal abuse is described as negative, critical, belittling, condemnatory defining speech told to the victim or about the victim. Verbal abuse can be more harmful than physical abuse because it can undermine the way we think and feel about ourselves. It can cripple all we are meant to be as we allow something untrue to define us. Verbal abuse can happen between parent and child, husband and wife, among relatives and between friends.

Verbal abuse takes many forms, it can be from loud rants to quiet comments. It can be obvious put downs to subtle remarks that undermine a person. When a person does this, it shows that they need to be in control, to feel superior. The person that verbally abuses avoids taking responsibility and wants to mask or deny his or her own failures.

SOMETIMES a person may not know that he or she is being abused verbally. How can one tell? Here are a few signs that may let a person know if there is verbal abuse: (1)
You just can't win. No matter how carefully or kindly you try to work out a problem, your partner says things that make you feel like you’re in the wrong. (2)
You often are the brunt of jokes that make you feel bad. The guy who is fun and fun-loving outside the family unleashes a more vicious or undermining humor inside. (3)
You have to walk on eggshells at home. Your home isn’t a sanctuary for you and your kids. It is the place where you are most afraid and embarrassed. Sometimes you might not want to go home. When you are there, you all do everything you can to make sure nothing happens that could set the person off. (4)
If you’re not very careful, the verbal abuse can escalate to physical altercations.

Whoever said
“sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me” was just plain wrong! Words do hurt. They can break a person on the inside just as surely as a extremely hard hit with a stick bruises the outside. People who are subjected to verbal abuse suffer. People who are subjected to it over time can get so used to it that they lose their sense of themselves as people worth loving.

THERE YOU HAVE IT! Please let me know what you think! Please SHARE, COMMENT, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. Until next time my lovelies, BE KIND, BE CARING, BE CONSIDERATE AND BE MINDFUL OF WHAT YOU SAY!
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