Sunday, August 31, 2014


A lady was walking down the street one day when a man passed her and said SMILE. She looked at him and said, what? He said smile. She often received request from individuals that she didn't even know, to smile. She must carry a pretty mean look on her face in order for strangers to request a smile from her. A mean look can be subconscious, it can be something that one is unaware that he or she is doing for one reason or another. A mean look can also be a defense mechanism that says "stay back and no one gets hurt". One may use that look so they can be unapproachable, to keep it simple and safe. The lady was asked, do you ever smile? Her reply was of course I do, after the nice stranger made her laugh. MANY PEOPLE DO NOT LAUGH AND SMILE because they are sad, or depressed. Some people have their plates runnith over so to speak, and it may be overwhelming. It can drain happiness, laughter and smiles. The job, the marriage, the relationship, the children, the bills, the parents, the in-laws, the health issues, the education, the training, and even the news are all contributing factors. WHY SHOULD WE LAUGH AND SMILE? It has been said that laughter is good for the soul, that is has great benefits! Is there any proof to this? No, not really. There has not been any definitive proof on the matter as of yet BUT we don't need scientific research in order to know how our body reacts after laughing, do we? If we are feeling rundown? Why don't we try laughing more. Laughing may help us feel better and put that spring back in our step. Having a good sense of humor, a positive attitude, and the support of family and friends might play a role as well. SAY CHEESE FOR THE CAMERA! We just don't want to smile to show off our pearly white teeth. We want to smile because of the health benefits that come along with it. Here are a few: (1) It LOWERS OUR HEART RATE. Smiling slows the heart rate and relaxes the body. Smiling lets the heart work without overworking. Did you know that people who smile and laugh often are less likely to develop heart disease? Yes! Smiling is also known for temporarily lowering our blood pressure also. WOW! WHO knew! (2) Smiling REDUCES STRESS. Stress can cause a mountain of health problems. Smiling can help to relieve stress because it releases endorphins that counteract and diminish the stress hormones. (3) Smiling can BUILD ATTRACTION. Smiling makes us more attractive. This may be true especially for WOMEN. Men may be more likely to approach a woman who simply makes eye contact while smiling. (4) Smiling MAKES US LOOK YOUNGER. Smiling does something remarkable for the face, it lifts the face and makes us look younger, around three (3) years younger on average, so they claim. I think it is more. (LOL) There you have it my SMILING PEOPLE. There are such great benefits when we laugh and smile. By the way, the woman I was talking about in the beginning of the article, she smiles a lot more and is told that she has a BEAUTIFUL smile. Yes, you are sooo smart because you guessed it. That woman is ME, YES IT"S ME! I am working on smiling and laughing a lot more. I make it my business to laugh and smile through out the day as much as possible and I am having a great time doing it. I DO FEEL BETTER INSIDE, MUCH, MUCH BETTER INSIDE! Thanks for reading my blog post. Please COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE! Until the next time, BE LOVING, BE KIND, BE CAREFUL AND MAKE SURE YOU LAUGH AND SMILE FOR YOU AND, AND FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!

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