Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I'm not crazy, I'm just cold!

Have you ever seen a man, woman, or child with a winter, spring or fall coat on in the summer time, in eighty degree weather? If you have, what did you think? Did you think she or he belonged in a mental institution? That can be one possibility BUT there is another possibility! How do I know? I know because today I went outside with a short sleeve blouse underneath a short sleeve sweater. I also had on two long skirts. I know that sounds WEIRD AND CRAZY BUT it is true! It was about seventy five degrees outside and people were looking at me like I was CRAZY! What am I suppose to do? I was cold, very cold! My hands were cold, my feet were cold, my legs were cold, and my bones were extremely cold! What am I suppose to do when I am so very cold? Before you get the straight jacket out and before you decide to submit me into the hospital for help. I want to let you know that I am not alone in this feeling. Many people, men, women and children have the same condition as I do. It is called ANEMIA! I know you have probably heard of it before. WHAT IS ANEMIA? Anemia is defined as a decrease in the amount of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. It can also be defined as a lowered ability of the blood to carry oxygen! THE SYMPTOMS! Sometimes the symptoms may not be strong, they may be vague. They may not hit you all at once either. The symptoms may include: feeling tired, being weak, having shortness of breath, and having a poor ability to exercise. When anemia comes on fast it may have greater symptoms like: confusion, feeling like one is going to pass out, FEELING COLD and an increased desire to drink fluids and you may even become pale. Other symptoms may include: poor concentration, palpitations, angina, symptoms of heart failure, jaundice, dizziness, fainting, change in stool color, rapid heart rate, hair loss, HEART ATTACK, spleen enlargement and the list goes on, and on, and on! There are different kinds of ANEMIA! How many are there, you may ask? There are Three main types! (1) Is due to blood loss (2) Is due to decreased red blood cell production and (3) Is due to increased red blood cell breakdown. Blood loss may be caused by trauma and gastrointestinal bleeding among others. Causes of decreased production include iron deficiency, a lack of vitamin B12, thalassemia and a number of neoplasms of the bone marrow among others. Causes of increased breakdown include a number of genetic conditions such as sickle cell anemia, infections like malaria and some autoimmune diseases among others. It can also be classified based on the size of red blood cells and amount of hemoglobin in each cell. If the cells are small it is microcytic anemia, if they are large it is macrocytic anemia and if they are normal sized it is normocytic anemia. DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that Anemia is the most common disorder of the blood with it affecting about a quarter of people globally? Iron-deficiency anemia affects nearly 1 billion people. DID YOU HEAR THAT, 1 BILLION PEOPLE. It is more common in females than males, among children, during pregnancy and in the elderly. ANEMIA IS NOTHING TO PLAY WITH. Let me say this again, ANEMIA IS NOTHING TO PLAY WITH. IT IS NO JOKE! There is soooooo much information about ANEMIA that we need to know. Anemia can be a very dangerous condition. Please read more about anemia at, WWW.WEBMD.COM, and WWW.MAYOCLINIC.ORG. Please, please, don't be afraid to ask your doctor about anemia especially if you are exhibiting any of the symptoms mentioned above. So the next time you see a person with a coat on in the summer time, he or she could have anemia. I'll let you be the judge of that ! You may be able to say, HE OR SHE IS NOT CRAZY, HE OR SHE IS JUST COLD! I would love, love, love to hear from you! Please SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, SHARE AND LIKE! Until next time my BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. TAKE CARE, BE KIND AND BE SAFE!

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