Saturday, August 23, 2014


Some people are soooo sneaky. Some people are soooo careful. They make sure that they cross their T's and dot their I's. No one can catch them in the act. Sometimes men, women, people are sloppy and careless. Some people get so comfortable in their cheating that they leave themselves wide open to being caught. Many times they not only get caught, but they get caught doing the cheating act. If you caught your man, your woman, your mate cheating, what would you do? I have often asked myself this question. I know one thing, IT WOULD TOTALLY DEVASTATE ME! To be frankly honest I don't know what I would do? If that did happen to me I know that all of the knives should be put away. All of the water should be turned off. All of the cooking oil should be thrown out. My car keys should be hidden. All rope and chains should be discarded, and all glass and mirrors should be locked up. I stated to someone many years ago that if my mate cheated on me that "HE HAS TO GO, NO IF'S, AND'S OR BUT'S". I guess that is easier said than done, coming from a person who is not in that situation, nor has ever been. If you found out or caught your mate cheating would you GO or would you STAY? I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN THIS SITUATION BUT I KNOW A FEW THAT HAVE BEEN. THIS IS A TRUE STORY! I remember talking to women about their mates and many of them were not faithful. One person I talked to had been with her mate ever since she was fourteen (14), yes fourteen (14) years old. He was about ten (10), yes ten (10) years older than she was. They fell in love and he asked her parents if he could have her hand in marriage. They got married and they had one child, and ended up taking on other family members children, and adopting them as their own. The wife always felt loved and cared for by her husband. He did not want her to work a secular job, actually he demanded that she not work a secular job (in a good way) because he was the man of the house, he took on the lead as the household provider. The wife was constantly at home alone without her mate, spending time raising the children. She would be very lonely as her husband started to work very long hours. In her gut she knew something was wrong. Her woman's intuition kept telling her that SOMETHING WAS VERY, VERY WRONG. In the long run she was right. The information came out that her husband had been spending time and having an affair with another woman. WHAT MAKES THIS SO CRAZY is that the other woman, WAIT FOR IT, WAIT FOR IT, was her very own sister. Her sister ended up getting pregnant with her husband's child and giving birth. I CAN ONLY IMAGINE THE BETRAYAL THAT THIS WOMAN FELT NOT ONLY FROM HER HUSBAND BUT ALSO BY HER SISTER! This woman decided not to leave her husband, she stayed married to him but cut all ties with her sister. THIS IS NOT THE END OF THE STORY! This woman decided to forgive her husband and to move on with her life, hoping that he would love her continually and be faithful to her. She felt that he was a man and imperfect and that all of us makes mistakes. UNTIL THE CHEATING HAPPENED AGAIN! This man decided to cheat again BUT what makes this cheating so devastating is that he decided to take on a mistress and live with her. Little by little his clothes was leaving the house and some nights he did not go home. His wife was wondering what was going on, but never really asked because she already knew the answer to the question. After doing her investigation she confirmed her wildest hurts that he was cheating again. This time it was not a one time, or little fling like with her sister, but this would go on for over twenty years. YET SHE ACCEPTED THIS ARRANGEMENT, AND SHE LIVED WITH THIS DECISION AS I SAID FOR OVER TWENTY YEARS! I AM NOT FINISHED! This woman was comfortable with the decision she made in forgiving her husband so to speak. At least she knew who the woman was , and his whereabouts. Actually in several times of crisis she went over to the mistress house to retrieve her man. This woman decide to live comfortable within her situation. The DUMB mistress would fall for his lines and he would not have to give her money for bills. This man would eat at home with his wife and then go to his mistress house and half eat the food she prepared and then throw it away. This man would even still money and other objects from his mistress to take to his wife. He constantly told his wife he loved her and that she was the TRUE LOVE of his life! WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? One day this woman, the wife started to notice that she had these unusual bumps forming on her body, as time went on these bumps became what is called legions. These bumps had become larger in size, very scaly and pussy. They took on a life of their own spreading all over her body. This woman decided to go to the doctor where she found out that she had SYPHILIS! She was in the final stages, in which to my understanding can be deadly! YES, you heard me right SYPHILIS. This man, well into his seventies at this time gave this disease not only to his wife BUT to his mistress as well. THIS LOW DOWN DIRTY DOG, YES THIS LOW DOG DIRTY DOG had been sleeping with HIS WIFE, HIS MISTRESS AND EVERY DIRTY THING THAT WALKED AROUND IN A SKIRT. FOR SOME SAD REASON THAT I DO NOT UNDERSTAND, THIS WOMAN CONTINUED TO STAY IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH THIS MAN CALLED HER HUSBAND. I DON'T KNOW WHY? I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND HER REASONING ON THIS FOR THE LIFE OF ME. What a sad and pitiful life marriage story! THERE YOU HAVE IT PEOPLE! There are many reasons people cheat on their mates. Reasons that I of course do not know and probably would not understand. I feel that if a person has made a dedication to a person and to the relationship that he or she should be faithful. If the person can not be faithful then they should just walk away.I hope and pray that I never experience the pain that accompanies cheating from a mate! Thank for reading! Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! Until the next time. BE KIND, BE CARING, BE FAITHFUL AND BE SAFE!

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