Monday, August 18, 2014


EPSOM SALT! This stuff has been around forever and ever and ever. As a child, I use to hear older folks talking about EPSOM SALT. I often wondered, what in the world are they talking about? Is this a wonder drug or something? Some people used it for almost everything. It has so many uses. Who knew? As I got older I experienced exactly what they were talking about. Exactly what is EPSOM SALT? Epsom salt is Magnesium sulfate(or magnesium sulphate), it is an inorganic salt (chemical compound) containing magnesium, sulfur and oxygen. Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral that is important for many systems in the body especially the muscles and nerves. It is white in color and it looks like crystals. Even though there are many uses for Epsom salt, I will share with you the ones that I have experienced. AS A RELAXER and SOOTHER. Epsom Salt can help you relax after a hard day's work. It helps to relieve the soreness that may accompany strenuous activity. It may even help when a muscle has been pulled. What I do is I take a cup full of Epsom salt and put it in the tub of warm water, and then I soak. Some people like to add essential oils to the Epsom Salt to give it a personalized smell and feeling. As for me, I just use plain Epsom Salt because that is good enough for me! It helps to soothe and relax me! AS A LAXATIVE. Many people do not like to talk about constipation. Why? I guess because it may be too personal for them. I am pretty sure everyone gets constipated every now and then, even animals. I had been using Epsom salt for sometime to soothe my aches and pains, but I never knew I could use it as a laxative UNTIL AFTER I READ THE BACK OF THE PACKAGE. I take a half of a cup of Epsom Salt and mix it with a cup of warm water and drink.**** LET ME TELL YOU ONE THING, THIS IS A VERY NASTY AND BITTER TASTING SUBSTANCE!!!!!!!!! IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU USE THE SUGGESTIONS ON THE BACK OF YOUR CONTAINER AND THEN YOU CAN ADJUST IT ACCORDINGLY!***********SPECIAL NOTE***********SPECIAL NOTE************BEFORE YOU USE EPSOM SALT IT WOULD BE WISE TO CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR. THE USE OF EPSOM SALT CAN BE HARMFUL TO THOSE WITH ALLERGIES, AND ILLNESSES LIKE DIABETES, AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. EPSOM SALT MAY NOT BE A GOOD USE FOR CHILDREN. PLEASE READ THE LABEL AND DO YOUR RESEARCH. AS AN EXFOLIATE. Salt exfoliation is often considered one of the best ways to get those nasty dead skin cells off of our faces. When exfoliating, salt can be used alone or mixed with other ingredients like water or oil to make a paste. What I do is I take about a tablespoon of Epsom Salt, put it on my wash cloth, wet with water and scrub, and then I rinse. You can use this to exfoliate your face and your body. PLEASE be careful because these crystals are a little bit bigger than the normal sized salt pellets. THERE YOU HAVE IT ONCE AGAIN, MY USE FOR EPSOM SALT! Do you use EPSOM SALT? HOW? Please let me know. I would love to hear from you. Please COMMENT, LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE! Until the next time BE HELPFUL, BE KIND, BE GENTLE, DON'T SCRUB TOO HARD AND BE SAFE!

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