Friday, August 29, 2014


What if your mate got locked up for one reason or another, would you wait? Would you be able to show that type of patience? Would you able able to show that type of dedication? Would you be able to show that type of real and unconditional love? Would you wait for your mate? These are the type of questions that makes you go HMMMMMMMMM! I know, I know. You are saying that there are a lot of things to factor in like: Why is he/she in jail? How long will he/she be in jail? Is there a chance for parole? Was he/she a good mate when we were together? Was he dedicated to me? How long have we been together? I POSED THIS QUESTION and got a response from a man. He was very honest and I truly appreciate his honesty. He told me that yes, he would wait for his mate if his mate were locked up. Now the being faithful part is the part that he has the problem with. He says that he would not probably be faithful because it is not in his make-up. I find that to be very interesting. I guess it would be very hard for a man to go without sex, especially for twenty-seven (27) years. I guess he would be totally out of his mind. SOME men find it very difficult being faithful to their girlfriend or wife, so I guess it would be unreasonable of me to think that some men would be faithful when their mate is not physically available. I POSED THIS QUESTION and got a response from a woman. She was very honest as well and I truly appreciate her honesty. She said that she did not have any problem being faithful to her mate and that YES she would wait patiently for twenty-seven (27) years. When she said that someone questioned her honesty. I think the reason why her honesty was questioned is because the person evidently never had a ride or die chic. A REAL, REAL WOMAN. When you truly love someone, make a commitment, make a VOW to that person and deeply love that person, you would never turn your back on them under reasonable circumstances, especially under dire ones. I really think that you have to look at the training, upbringing and the examples in life that the person has seen and experienced. You also have to look at the integrity level of that person as well. In some cases and probably most, it seems that women have the tendency to hold themselves sexually than men for some reason. ANYWAY, I totally BELIEVE her. I believe that she would love him close or afar with faithfulness. She is definitely a rare and unique woman! She is a woman to be CHERISHED! SHE IS A SUPERWOMAN! I READ A REAL LIFE STORY YESTERDAY about a man who was wrongly accused and wrongly convicted of a crime. He was sentenced and served twenty-seven (27) years in jail. Before going to jail he met a woman and they were dating for a year before he went to jail. When he went to jail she was pregnant. Don't you know that this woman waited for this man for twenty-seven years!!!!! Yes, you heard me right TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS! During this time she raised the one child they had together, and his two children from a previous relationship. Talking about dedication and real, true, unconditional LOVE! WHAT A REMARKABLE WOMAN! THERE YOU HAVE IT WONDERFUL MEN AND WOMEN! Tell me your thoughts on the matter. Tell me how you feel. Tell me how you REALLY feel. Don't hold back! Please COMMENT, SHARE, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. Until the next time people. BE KIND, BE CAREFUL, BE SAFE AND BE FAITHFUL!

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