Thursday, August 14, 2014

Are you feeling frustrated by the news?

Do you remember when the change went over many years ago with TV because of it going digital? I do. At that time I decided that I would not change over so I was without a TV for about a year and a half. People often wondered how I did not go crazy (who says I am not crazy! LOL). What did I do? I caught up on reading, and listened to the radio. What I did not hear on the radio, I heard by word of mouth. It was a very interesting time for me BUT it was also very beneficial. Why? It was very beneficial because I spent time with myself. I got a chance to get to know myself in and out. I missed out on some good things that happened locally, nationally and internationally. I missed out on some of the bad things that the media reported on as well. KILLINGS, MURDERS, AND ARREST! There is soooo much in the media, the news that is frustrating. If there is anything that may be POSITIVE, or GOOD it is overshadowed by the NEGATIVE, or BAD. What is going on the news? IT SEEMS THAT THE WORLD, NOTICE I SAID THE WORLD IS GOING CRAZY! Everybody seems to be aware of what is going on in GAZA, and what is going on in the states as well. The Buzz all over the news channels, Facebook, Twitter, The Washington Post, CNN, NPR, RADIO ONE, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, NSNBC, The Huffington post, etc.. are the murders. The taking of many innocent lives and the brutality of the POLICE. It tears my heart apart and makes me very scared. Scared for whom? Scared for anyone who seems to defy the police. It seems that the rights of individuals are being snatched away from citizens in the United states of America. There is so many thoughts going through my mind and heart right now. I know that I do not know the full story behind these shootings by these Police Officers BUT what I have read seems to be so unfair, cruel, and inhumane! What is happening can happen anywhere in the United States. It seems that BLACK MALES are the target even though I read an article that said that WHITE America is being targeted by the police as well. If this is true by what degree is this happening and why don't mainstream America know about this? Why isn't this being reported on openly? WITH EVERYTHING GOING ON! It seems like an ever lasting tornado! When will it ever end? What can be done? Why do people have to die this way, by the hands of the police? I have so many questions that are unanswered. I am pretty sure that they will never be answered. I just hope there is a settling ground for this. Some of the stories that I have read made me break down and cry. Yes literally break down and cry like a baby. I can only imagine how the VICTIMS family and friends must feel. I can only imagine! If some of the killings, shootings were unintentional I can imagine how the POLICE OFFICERS may feel. I don't want to believe that ALL of these shootings were premeditated or intentional. I GUESS THE FEDS WILL HAVE TO INTERVENE TO STRAIGHTEN THINGS OUT. IF THEY DO, WILL IT BE FAIR TO ALL PARTIES INVOLVED? HOW LONG Will THE SETTLING OF THIS TAKE? ARE THE POLICE GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER? In the mean time I will pray on this. I am pretty sure most of AMERICA is praying for this to end! There you have it, my feelings on the matter at hand. Please tell me how you feel, express yourself! Please SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, LIKE AND SHARE! UNTIL THE NEXT TIME BE SMART, BE KIND, BE GENTLE AND BE SAFE!

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