Thursday, August 21, 2014

Why can't I LOSE WEIGHT?

I admit that I have always been a stocky, big and juicy type of girl even when I was younger. I have struggled with weight through out my life and yes, it has been discouraging at times, but I have dealt with it. Being quite a bit older, things have changed when it comes to losing weight. Everyone seems to want to give their unsolicited opinion to me directly about losing weight. How is it that you want to give your opinion about me losing weight when you do not even know me? Do you know the situation that I am in? Do I have a genetic disorder? Are their health issues? Are there hormone issues? What are the issues? What are the problems? Some people say "push away from the table". Some people say diet is the key. Others say it is a life style change situation. Some say eat more protein. Others say eat more fruit and vegetables. Some say drink protein shakes. Some say fast. Some say drink more water. Others say drink sport drinks. Some say exercise is all that you need. Others say a combination of exercise and diet. Some say go on the banana diet. Others say go on the egg diet. Some say do a the four day diet. Others say go on the liquid diet. The list goes on and on and on and on. I have tried countless of diets and lifestyle changes and yet I find it extremely hard to lose weight in my older age. I found some very interesting information that peaked my interest. It makes some very pertinent points to why I may have a problem losing weight. All of the reasons pertain to my situation, so when I read this article I was delighted. Why? I was delighted because it gave an indication on what the problem might be. It shared some insight that can also help others like ME! Here are some interesting reasons why I, why WE may not be able to lose weight! (1) WE ARE SLEEP DEPRIVED. Some studies have shown that without sleep that our stress hormone, which is cortisol as well as blood sugar levels and insulin will rise. This rise can make us hungry. Lack of sleep will always cause insulin resistance, which makes it easier to store fat. (2) OUR THYROIDS ARE OUT OF WACK. Thyroid functions is very important for our metabolism and some experts do agree that the thyroid problems are one of the most undiagnosed and under-diagonosed issues that can get in the way of losing weight. (3) WE ARE EATING TOO MUCH SUGAR AND WE MAY NOT EVEN KNOW IT. Sugar consumption is a major problem. It is sneaking into many products, even yogurts and smoothies. Sugar can be found in processed foods also, which can wreak havoc on the waist line. Fructose is by far one of the worse because it goes straight to the liver where it makes fat. (4) STRESSED OUT. One recent study mentioned that women usually gain eleven (11) pounds a year due to stress. Stress raises cortisol, which breaks down muscle and lowers serotonin, so that we crave more sweet foods. Cortisol breaks down stomach acid, which means that the stomach does not digest effectively, so we are left even hungrier. (5) WE DON'T EAT ENOUGH FAT. Our bodies need fat to burn fat but the key to this is choosing the right type of fat. Healthy fats like the ones that are found in fish, Salmon, Avocado, grass fed beef, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds are the best. (6) Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin is actually a pro hormone that is responsible for many of the bodies functions, without it you can not burn fat off. It is important that our levels are checked. Good sources of this vitamin are Salmon, Sardines, and of course milk. (7) Our bodies are toxic. Environmental toxins are everywhere. These toxins can disrupt our hormones which lowers our temperatures and makes us hold on to body fat. To get rid of toxins in the body it is good to eat a proper amount of fiber, and have a great elimination system. All of these issues pertain to me. This may be a major break through for me. What about you? Are these the reasons why you may not be losing weight? Open up and talk to me people. Tell me what you feel. Please SHARE, COMMENT, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Until the next time my lovelies. BE LOVING, BE KIND, BE THOUGHTFUL AND BE SAFE. Thanks for reading my blog post! CHECK ME OUT ON FACEBOOK, I AM OPINIONATED SHELLY!

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