Sunday, August 3, 2014

If you were raped, would you take revenge?

What is rape? According to Wikipedia "Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration initiated against one or more individuals without the consent of those individuals. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent. The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault". Rape is a very violent act, it is a CRIME and should not be condoned. Yet we live in countries that seem not to take rape too seriously. In some cases the "victim", the person that has been raped is often blamed. Usually the victim(s) are asked questions to undermine the severity of the rape. They are asked questions to whether the rape actually happened, or even shifts the blame. They may ask: Are you sure you have been raped? Did you consent to the sex? What were you wearing? Why did you go to this persons house? Why were you out late at night? Why weren't you home? Why did you invite him to your home? Why did you go with him to the party? Why did you give him a ride home? Why did you go to the concert with him? Why did you spend the night? Sometimes persons are even harassed by the authorities, the ones that are suppose to help and protect! Most rape victims are usually of the female persuasion. At least that is what the statistics show. These statistics may not be correct because many persons are raped BUT never report them. Why? People may not report rapes because of SHAME, FEAR OF RETALIATION, BECAUSE OF LOYALTY TO THEIR FAMILY, AFRAID OF BEING TREATED WITH HOSTILITY, and the list goes on and on and on! If you were raped, what would you do? If you were raped, how would you handle it? Would you tell your family and friends? Would you call the police? Would you allow the authorities to handle the situation? or would you take revenge, taking matters into your own hands? Rape is an atrocious act and it happens all across the globe! The news reports out of India have been staggering, especially about women being raped. I have heard so many tragic stories about rapes out of India that it makes me nauseous. Not only does a man or men rape these poor women, in a lot of cases they even kill them by hangings. What kind of HUMAN BEING DOES THAT? Actually that is not a human trait at all, it is ANIMALISTIC, and DEMONIC! TAKING REVENGE! Is it the right thing to do? How would you feel if you were violated? How would you feel if you were forced to participate sexually without your free will? How would you feel if you were sexually assaulted? How would you feel if you were raped? What would you do? THINK ABOUT THIS! You are at home and you are feeling horrible. You go over to your maternal uncle's house because he is a religious doctor and he claims that he can cure your health problems. When you get there, he says that you are under supernatural powers and that you need to be treated with him in a room, once you are in the room with him, he rapes you. Your uncle then has the nerve to tell you to visit him the following day because you need more treatment. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? This exact scenario happened to a young lady in India. I am pretty sure this has happened all across the world! THIS IS WHAT SHE DID! The young lady decided to revisit her uncle. This time she went with a cell phone and a sharp knife. She used the cell phone to record their initial conversation and then SHE CASTRATED HIM!. Sad to say when the victim reported it to the POLICE, they tried to hush her up. The girl's family tried to conceal the crime. When the victim managed to schedule a local court hearing, the uncle somehow convinced the authorities to cancel it. It was only after some politicians intervened that a formal complaint was done. The victim was then, and only then sent off for a medical examination. An arrest warrant was issued for the rapist, but THE COWARD remains on the run! There you have it people. Especially to the ladies. Did she do the right thing in castrating her rapist uncle? Did she make the right move, the right decision in castrating him? I know that I can't answer that question BUT if I were in THOSE SAME shoes I MAY have done the same thing. I can only imagine how it feels to be violated, nevertheless by a family member. With the non support and the cover up of the family members I may have blown up all of them for being so foolish, so stupid, so unsympathetic and for having a lack of compassion! I am sorry, I digress! If you have been raped or if you know of someone who has been raped please call for help. Call the NATIONAL SEXUAL ASSAULT HOTLINE at 1800-656-hope or visit Remember it is only a phone call away! Please let me know what is on your mind concerning this! Please COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE and LIKE! Until next time BE CAREFUL AND BE SAFE!

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