Friday, July 25, 2014

Why do you hate me?

Many individuals live in countries that are full of freedoms, liberties and justices for all. Yet there is so much HATRED among people. Why do you hate me? Do you hate me because of my religious views? Do you hate me because of my gender? Do you hate me because of my lack of a political stance? Do you hate me because I am overweight? Do you hate me because of my attitude? Do you hate me because I have a big mouth? Do you hate me because of the texture of my hair? Do you hate me because I am poor? Do you hate me because of my sexual orientation? Do you even hate because the color of my skin?
What is HATRED? According to the web, hatred is a loathing, abhorrence, great dislike, or distaste for someone or something.
Why is HATRED running so rampant in today's society? What brings this figurative dust from under the rugs and to the forefront? There are so many stories that are in the news that depicts the worlds distaste or hatred. Someone once mentioned that "IT IS OKAY" to hate as long as it does not hurt anyone, at least physically. IS THIS ACTUALLY TRUE? A wise man once said "a desire when fertilized will produce results whether good or bad". Is this happening into today' society? Of course it is. Let's take a look at the infamous story that is blowing up the headlines today, the ERIC GARDNER story. From what I have read and heard, this man, Mr. Eric Gardner was selling single cigarettes illegally. The police tried to arrest him and he so call resisted. They put him in a choke hold which obstructed his airwaves. This man was, yes overweight and had Asthma. More than several times did this man say he could not breath. This was not taken into consideration, actually they really did not care. HOW IS THIS KNOWN? (1) Video coverage (2) Published excerpts. According to the press, statements have been published from several websites that allow police officers to express themselves. The sentiments mentioned from the Anonymous officers tell the story, it tells what are REALLY in their hearts! The statements that these men, who swore to protect and serve the public were very vulgar. Most of the statements mentioned something derogatory about his BLACK or AFRICAN AMERICAN race. What does his race have to do with anything? Some mentioned that he did not deserve to live because he was black. Some mentioned that his black family will be compensated for life and their black butts will not have to work ever again. Some mentioned that he did not even deserve his NAME ERIC GARDNER because that name was of GERMAN and EUROPEAN origin. They even gave him a made up AFRICAN laughable name. Some of these officers, many of them said that he did not deserve to live that he deserved to DIE. The statements are utterly ridiculous!
IT IS A KNOWN FACT! It is a known fact that CPR was not administered to Eric Gardner (by the police or by EMS) after he hit the ground. Why was this the case? Was the lack of motivation because he was a BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN? There is a great possibility! It is a shame that we live in countries, that we live in a world where HATRED overflows. In my opinion HATRED has never ever disappeared. It may have been swept under the covers or put under the rugs for many years but now it has reared it's ugly and disgusting head. HATRED has never died. Sad to say it is all alive and well. "IT IS THE SAME SUIT, DIFFERENT COLOR"! Tell me what is on your mind! PLEASE COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE,and SHARE. Until next time PLEASE DON'T HATE!

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