Tuesday, July 15, 2014


I was combing the internet because I could not sleep and came across this story. When I first read the title I could not really believe what I was reading. Okay, I am not being honest! I should not have been shocked at what I read because crazier stories have surfaced. For some strange reason the sickness, ignorance and stupidity of some people takes me for a ride. The articles' story says" California nurse gets jail time for having sex with a woman's corpse". I know, that sounds crazy, but yet it is very true. The article mentions that a male nurse has been sentenced to two years in jail for having sex with a dead woman. How was Mr. Pervert/Psycho times ten thousand caught? Well, Another nurse came into the room and caught Alejandro Lopez Razo, 62, with his pants down having sex with the corpse. Mr. Wonderful was suppose to be getting the corpse ready for the mortuary but I guess he had something else on his mind.
I have a few questions that come to my mind, they are: Why would you have sex with a dead woman? Why would you have sex with an eighty-two year old dead woman? What were you thinking? Where was your brain? (okay, I know the answer to that one), What was your reasoning? Did you go to see your Psychotherapist? Did you take your psychotic medication? Are you crazy? Why can't you control your penis?
The answers to my questions are obvious! The article also mentions that the judge requires him to attend sex offender meetings, psychological counseling, he is also banned from that hospital. Actually he should be banned from ALL hospitals! I hope this is all true! I hope he really gets the help he so desperately needs because this man has some deep, deep, deep and dark issues that need to be addressed!
Tell me what you think! What would you say, what would you do if you found out that this happened to your dead loved one!

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