Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The liquid with GREAT benefits!

There are many liquids that exist in our world that display great benefits. One great liquid is water. It has such wonderful properties that are beneficial. Even though water is wonderful, that is not the liquid I am referring to. The liquid I am referring to has been a staple in our pantries for many, many years. People use this liquid mainly in preparing foods but it has been discovered that there are tons of other uses for this product.
The outstanding and extraordinary liquid I am talking about is APPLE CIDER VINEGAR! I know what you are saying. You are saying "I have known about apple cider vinegar benefits for years". That may be true BUT have you discovered by USE the wonderful properties of apple cider vinegar? Well, I have and I must say that I am thoroughly impressed by it's results!
There is a recommendation that persons using apple cider vinegar use organic. I have tried using organic. I have to say that it taste much better. It is easier to digest and mix. It can be costly especially if you are using it quite often. I mostly use the store bought brands. It is not as palatable as the organic apple cider vinegar but IT GETS THE JOB DONE!
Use it for HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Apple cider vinegar is excellent for high blood pressure. You can take a teaspoon or a tablespoon alone or mix it with water and it will lower your high blood pressure (depending on how high your blood pressure is). If your blood pressure is off of the charts, I suggest you see a doctor or if necessary go to the emergency room instead of trying to fix this yourself. High blood pressure can be dangerous, very very dangerous. A matter of fact is, it is called the SILENT KILLER! Use it for HIGH BLOOD SUGAR. You can use it in the same way previously mentioned. A word of CAUTION: Be careful of how much you take, it can really drop your your high blood sugar lower than expected (you don't need any other problems). You have to use a little trial and error to see what is good for you. Some people use water and honey or even apple juice so it won't taste what some people call "nasty".
Use it for CLEANSING. You can use apple cider vinegar to cleanse your body of impurities and toxins by means of a bath. I take about eight ounces or so and pour it in the tub while my bath water is running. I use warm water to make sure it properly dissolves. I slip into the bath, close my eyes and reminiscence. It is very soothing. If you have any aches and/or pains from sore muscles, herniated disc, bursitis, osteoarthritis, this soak may helps also. Use it as an ASTRINGENT. I use apple cider vinegar as an astringent. It helps to clear up blemishes all over my body. I mix it with warm water and wipe my face with it. At one point I did not dilute it and it caused blemishes to appear. If you have sensitive skin like I do please dilute it so you won't be surprised and/or disappointed. Use it for CONSTIPATION. There may be a time in your life where you are constipated and you don't know what to do. Some people use water, some people use fiber, some use laxatives, I use apple cider vinegar. I take a swizzle like I am drinking hard liquor (ROFL) and let it go down nice and easy. I usually chase it with juice or water and wait for a few minutes. After those few minutes my body releases itself of the blockage.
There you have it! The great benefits of apple cider vinegar that I appreciate! Tell me yours! Tell me your great apple cider vinegar story!

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