Saturday, July 12, 2014

How can I kill my two ENEMIES?


"How can I kill my two enemies? Actually I have more than two, but these two are the only ones I can kill right now! No, I am not talking about humans, even though there are a few people I would love to put under the ground for a few months (lol). These enemies I can control but I have a problem controlling them. Their names are S and S."

" "

"You have heard of them before, actually they are in your lives also. They cause havoc sometimes, cause great complications and even death. It is shame because we can control them , I can control them but sometimes I don't. Have you guessed what I am talking about? I am talking about SUGAR and SALT/SODIUM."

" "

"This is a topic that many people ignore until it is too late. I admit that I am one of those persons as well."

" "

"I have decided to talk about sugar, salt/sodium because it is important, very very important. These items or foods are staples in our lives. We can not avoid them entirely, that is an impossibility but we can reduce the assumption of them for better health."

" "

"Lets talk about sugar first! There is sugar in everything that we eat. There is manufactured sugar, raw sugar, and natural sugar just to name a few. According to the guidelines at least in the U.S. women are suppose to have six (6) teaspoons of sugar a day and men are suppose to have nine (9). Looking at the amount of sugar that are in the foods that we eat and drink everyday we go way over board. Looking at pre sugared drinks alone we should be dead. One serving of soda has at least 9 grams of sugar which equates to a little over two teaspoons of sugar per serving. That is if it is an eight ounce bottle of soda that equates to one serving alone."


Why is this important? It is important because sugar can cause obesity, contribute to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, lung problems, breathing problems, strokes, heart attacks, tooth decay, headaches, kidney problems, eye sight problems, dizziness and can even lead to death."

" "
"What about sodium? That is another story in itself. Would you believe that the same complications that sugar can cause sodium/salt overload/intake can cause as well. Just like with sugar, sodium can be hidden in so many foods. It is in everything, especially processed foods. Everything is processed now and days and it makes it so convenient to use in today's busy society. The recommended daily allowance for sodium intake is 2400 milligrams. What does that mean? I was told that 2300 mg equals about one teaspoon and 6 grams of salt per day. Wow! can I live off of that amount of salt/sodium a day?"

" "
"This reminds me that I need to check myself. For better health I need to take note and measure my sugar intake as well as my salt and sodium intake, especially if I want better health and if I want to live, and live a good quality of life!"
I may not be able to kill my two enemies all together but I can surely slow them down from harming, debilitating and/or killing me!"


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