Monday, July 7, 2014

Positive Thinking!

I was always told to be an optimistic person. I was always told to be a positive person, to look at the good over the bad, to look at the happiness instead of the sad. Sometimes that is easier said than done. Living in today's society can be a challenge. The news media, the neighborhood, the economy, joblessness, bad health, ill family members may be things that may cause one's view to be pessimistic.

Can this attitude be turned around? Is it an easy process? Where does one start? I know for some it can be a very hard task especially when you have a horrible support system. When you are surrounded by people whom are negative or have a pessimistic view about things.

The first thing to do is to clear your path! What does this mean? It means that you have to get rid of anyone or anything that has a pessimistic or negative view. This can be a person or a thing. This is extremely important because negativity can  bring you down and can KEEP you down.

Next is the resolution! Now once you get rid of this person(s) or/and things it is important to keep them out. Why would anyone want a hand pushing them under water when you are trying to be above the water. That does not make sense, does it?

Have a mind set of ignoring! What does this mean? Have you ever run into a person that always has something negative to say to your positive conversation? Whether it is a friend, a foe or an associate? This person or these people try to make you feel bad about yourself, your talents, education, job, intelligence, your life, etc... Just ignore them. Work on being like alligator skin, tough and blow them off. Work on witty come back statements that will blow them out of the water, and shut them up.

Meditation! One definition of meditation is to think deeply or to ponder over things. It is a good idea to find a quiet place (if possible) and think about ALL of the positive things that has happened in one's life. It is also beneficial to think about all of the positive things that you WANT to come into your life as well.

Action is needed and required! It is nice to live in a fairytale world where we think of happiness and positivity and by a blink of an eye it just happens. We have to put things into action. We have to find the steps that are needed and required and apply them. This can be hard depending on what it is but it is attainable. Some things are harder than others.

The next and I would say the most important step is prayer. Some people do not believe in the master of the universe, God, BUT I DEFINITELY DO! Prayer is described by some, as a respectful communication with a powerful deity that resides over the universe. In prayer you can request, beg, entreat, inform, petition, praise, talk, and/or engage. We can pray to Almighty God and ask him to help clear our hearts and to help us to be positive people, and thinkers. We can also ask him to help us to reach our goal in doing so continually. We can ask him to help us to be happy people. It is a wonderful thing to be a happy, positive person just like THE HAPPY GOD!

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to hearing your comments on how YOU stay and keep positive. I'll be waiting!
