Thursday, July 24, 2014

What? It does what?

I posted a recent blog about the benefits of water. Water is great and to me it is a Miracle worker. I know that drinking water has so many properties because I have benefited so much from it through experience. I was happily surprised by an article that I ran across and wanted to share it with you. The article is from under the heading "7 Water Benefits You've Heard Nothing About". I like the article because it sites the benefits of water that are not the norm. Three out of the seven really peaked my interest! LOWERS STRESS. The article mentioned that 70% to 80% of your brain tissue is water. It mentions if you are dehydrated that it puts your mind in a stressful situation. Wow! I never knew that. That is something to think about! I NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER! EVERYONE NEEDS HELP WITH STRESS! I know I do! REDUCES CANCER RISK. Some studies show that if you drink an adequate amount of water it MAY reduce the risk of bladder and colon cancer. It claims that water dilutes the mass of cancer causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with the lining of the bladder. HMMMMMMM! Sounds interesting! I admit that it sounds reasonable also!
BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Drinking water CAN help fight off the flu and other illness. The article mentions respiratory disease, intestinal problems, arthritis and listen to this EVEN HEART ATTACKS! WOW! IF THIS IS TRUE I REALLY NEED TO STEP UP MY WATER GAME! The article also mentions that the best benefits can be obtained when you put a few slices of lemon into your water. I HAVE TO MAKE SURE THAT I INCULCATE LEMON INTO MY WATER EVERYDAY! I WANT AND NEED THE BEST BENEFITS POSSIBLE!
There you have it once again. Great Benefits from drinking water. Tell me your thoughts on this blog. Go all the way down to the end of the page and SUBSCRIBE! PLEASE LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT! Until next time!

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