Friday, October 3, 2014


I wonder what CHICAGO feels like in the Fall? I wonder what ATLANTA feels like in the Winter time? I wonder what SOUTH CAROLINA feels like in the SPRING? What about WEST VIRGINIA in the SUMMER? I remember saying years ago that I want to move away. UNFORTUNATELY I AM STILL HERE! I HAVE NOT MOVED AN INCH, VERY SAD TO SAY! I said I would move away from the CRIME. Move away from the DRUGS. Move away from the CRAZY PEOPLE. Some people will say that there is crime, drugs, and crazy people everywhere, and that may be true BUT sometimes, CHANGE IS GOOD. People may NEED a change. A change from an area, an atmosphere, a mentality that is not supportive, not up building, nor wholesome. Sometimes we need something different! People change areas all of the time for different reasons. WHY DO SOME PEOPLE MOVE? (1) A new JOB. The whole nation still remains in a financial crunch. Jobs may be very hard to come by. Many persons have decided to move to different areas, cities, states, countries or even continents to find jobs that are suited for their needs. They may decide to go to where the jobs are. They have decided to uproot and try something new that will broaden their career horizons. (2) To be near FAMILY. Some people are so family oriented. They love and want to be near their family members. They thrive when they are around their biological members because they give them ENCOURAGEMENT, LOVE and SUPPORT. (3) For HEALTH REASONS. Some people may have no other alternative then to move for health reasons. Some people have allergies that drive them crazy. Some allergies bring on rashes, severe sneezing and swollen faces. Their allergies make their eyes itch, their throats close up, their eyes water, their nose drain, and their ears tingle. Some people have other illnesses that cause breathing and heart problems caused by the climate and/or the environment. Some areas may trigger asthma attacks which can be very detrimental or even FATAL. (4) For PEACE AND QUIET. Some people move away because they want peace and quiet. Sometimes living in the city may have it's advantages BUT it has it's disadvantages also. In certain areas in the city, there may be LOUD PEOPLE, LOUD CARS and TRUCKS, LOUD CLUBS, and LOUD and NOISY INCONSIDERATE NEIGHBORS. Some neighbors act, well shall I say, GHETTO, or HOOD! YES, I said it, I said It and I MEAN IT. Some people act like they own the street, that they OWN the block. They do not have consideration for anyone, or anything. Playing music in the street LOUD ENOUGH TO WAKE THE DEAD! That in itself shows how SELFISH and IMMATURE they are. (5) To get away from a LIFESTYLE. Many people move away to get away from a certain area, a certain environment, a ertain neighborhood because they want to change their LIVES. Some people use to be CRIMINALS, DRUG DEALERS, DRUG USERS, PIMPS, PROSTITUTES, etc... These person's have decided to CHANGE, and they know that if they are in the same environment, around the same type of people with the same ROTTEN mentality, that they will fall into the same UNWANTED ACTIVITY and/or BEHAVIOR as before. So they get out of dodge. What a GREAT, WISE and SMART DECISION ! What a great MOVE (6) OVERCROWDED. Some people move because the city that they live in may be overcrowded. Almost everybody loves the city life. Most people may live in the city and really appreciate what it has to offer. Some love the jobs, others love the bars and others enjoy the convenience of it's public transportation, and the many perks that the city may offer. THERE YOU HAVE IT MY WISE PEOPLE. MY TAKE ON THE MATTER. Please let me know what is on your mind. Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE. Until the next time my good people. BE KIND, BE WATCHFUL, BE CONSIDERATE, and for all means BE CAREFUL!

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