Sunday, September 28, 2014

What does your URINE say about you?

I have to admit that some people may find this to be a NASTY subject. Some people do not like to talk about bodily fluids, especially their own BUT this is a very, very important subject. A person's urine can tell a lot about them medically. We need to know this information if we want to know what is possibly going on within our bodies. Taking a look, yes examining the urine can help us with wisdom and insight that can actually SAVE OUR LIVES! WHAT IS YOUR COLOR? (1) Light Yellow. If your urine is light yellow, the experts say that it is normal. If it looks like lemonade then that is okay. Just do not mistake it for lemonade and try to drink it (LOL). If the urine is very light that may mean that you are OVER HYDRATED. As long as you don't have a major condition, like kidney failure, it may not be dangerous. Your body just may be getting rid of some excessive fluid. If the urine is CLEAR, that may mean that you have been drinking a lot of fluid. Usually the lighter the color, the more hydrated you are. In some cases light urine comes from over peeing. Be careful not to over hydrate because that can lead to an imbalance of sodium to water and then the body goes off-kilter which is dangerous. It can be DEADLY also. IT IS SAID THAT THE AVERAGE PERSON NEEDS 6 TO 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY. SOME PEOPLE MAY DO AN OVERKILL AND DRINK MORE. IT IS IMPORTANT TO DRINK ENOUGH WATER SO THAT YOU CAN STAY HYDRATED! (2) Cloudy Urine. If there is nothing wrong with your body, it is said that you should not worry if your urine is cloudy. One of the most common causes is phosphate crystals that form when the body has low acid in the urine. When there is a lot of acid in the urine, the body may produce kidney stones. IF YOU ARE CONCERNED, TEST YOUR URINE. TRY THIS: Collect some urine in a cup and add a cup full of vinegar. If the cloudiness is caused by low acid which is called phosphaturia, then the urine will turn clear. IF THE URINE IS CHRONICALLY CLOUDY, it is best that you see your doctor because it can be an INFECTION, or a sign of an inflammatory condition, maybe even CANCER. ALSO if your urine is cloudy this can mean that you have a URINARY TRACT INFECTION. This is nothing to play with because this can do possible harm to the KIDNEYS. THERE YOU HAVE IT. MY TAKE ON THE MATTER! Check out the charts and see where you fare. Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT. Until the next time my PRECIOUS people. BE KIND, BE CARING, BE CONSIDERATE AND PLEASE, PLEASE DRINK ENOUGH WATER. GOOD HEALTH TO YOU!

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