Thursday, July 31, 2014
Why are so many men becoming victims of domestic violence?
We all know that since the beginning of time, women have been victims of domestic violence and/or abuse. We have seen the movies, we have read the articles, we have seen the videos, we may have even been involved, being a victim or a witness, sad to say.
What is domestic violence? Domestic violence is a violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.
When I hear about domestic violence, my mind immediately goes to a male and female situation, whereas the man has abused the woman. This may be true in a lot of instances BUT what about men? Are men being abused by their wives, or their mates? Yes! Why are so many men becoming victims of domestic violence? One source mentioned these reasons why women on men domestic violence is on the rise (1) Women move more in men's worlds (2) They earn and compete with as much aggression as their male colleagues (3) Women are also fast catching up with men in the alcohol stakes. Interesting reasoning I must say.
At one time men were reluctant to talk about being abused. I guess they were ashamed. Society has put such a taboo on this subject. Men are suppose to be the stronger ones in society in all sense of the word. When a man is abused by a woman, especially physically they may be looked down upon. They may even be considered a wimp for letting it happen!
Men are human and imperfect just like women and deserve to be treated with respect. A man should not abuse a woman and a WOMAN SHOULD NOT ABUSE A MAN! It does not matter what size the man may be, it does not matter what height he may have. Abuse is a NO, NO!
Guess what? Some men may not even know that they are being abused. Here are the signs:
(1) Calls you names, insults you or puts you down
(2) Prevents you from going to work or school
(3) Stops you from seeing family members or friends
(4) Tries to control how you spend money, where you go or what you wear
(5) Acts jealous or possessive or constantly accuses you of being unfaithful
(6) Gets angry when drinking alcohol or using drugs
(7) Threatens you with violence or a weapon
(8) Hits, kicks, shoves, slaps, chokes or otherwise hurts you, your children or your pets
(9) Forces you to have sex or engage in sexual acts against your will
(10) Blames you for his or her violent behavior or tells you that you deserve it
It is extremely important to talk about this issue! Why? Lives are at stake. Many men are killed by their wives and/or partners through domestic violence. It has even been said that MORE men are killed by their wives than wives killed by their husbands from domestic violence. If your mate shows any of these signs, it is time to seek help! There are many organizations that give counseling. Please do not ignore the signs and think they will go away! You can check out THE NATIONAL DOMESTIC ABUSE WEBSITE at or call 1-800-799-7233 for help! Please SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, LIKE AND SHARE! Please do not hesitate to tell me how you feel! Until next time BE SAFE!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Do you trust the Po Po?
I ask myself this question almost everyday. Do I trust the Po Po or the Police, the Man, Five O! I am uncertain of my answer at this point because I am still in the process of accessing. I think this is a valid question for all persons to consider. Especially those living in this country. The so called land of the free!
I have dealt with the police on several occasions, I have to say it has been to my disappointment! I try to do what is right instead of allowing the other side of me to surface, but to no avail. As I look at the world scene of how the police treat the masses, it is terrifying and alarming.
There is so much controversy that surrounds the police at this time. I know that many persons do not trust the police for many reasons BUT I think it is at an all time high right now.
Why do people have such a distrust for the police? That is such a good question!
Some Police Officers are down right corrupt, not ALL but SOME! Many officers have sworn to protect and serve but some are so corrupt that it is shameful, a DISGRACE!
(1)Some Police Officers are thieves! You may have heard of a recent incident in Colorado where a Police Officer was called to assist in a coroners case. The dead man had $2200 dollars and when the family came to claim the money $1140 was missing. Just so happened, twenty four days later the police officer returned the money! I guess he was just keeping an eye out on the money in case someone wanted to really steal it, huh!
(2)Some Police Officers are involved in child pornography! In the DMV area, there was a Police Officer that recently killed himself (so they claim). Why? He killed himself because he was being charged with an account of child pornography. This Police Officer took pornographic pictures of a fifteen year old girl that had run away from her home and later returned. How despicable is that?
(3)They are involved in illegal drugs! I remember reading an article in the Washington Post called "The dirty dozen". It was shocking to me. Why? It was shocking to me because it described twelve DMV Police Officers that were corrupt and were involved in drug, and drug gangs. The FBI did a sting operation that caught them. They were operating and orchestrating drug activity all while wearing a Police Officers badge! Protect and serve had another meaning in this instance!
(4)They are physically abusive! We all know about the Eric Gardner story, but how many stories are there that involve physical abuse by Police Officers? There are quite a few! The recent shocking story does involve a choke hold. A choke hold on a woman who is seven months pregnant. I GUESS WE CAN SAY ALLEGED CHOKE HOLD SINCE WE ALL KNOW IT IS ILLEGAL FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT IN NEW YORK TO USE THIS KIND OF FORCE! All of this mayhem because of grilling on a public sidewalk. I know time will tell the story! It is all caught on film. Film does not lie. Hopefully all the details were caught on tape.
Those are a few examples because there are too many to show, name, site, summarize etc....
Do you trust the police? Tell me why you do or you don't. Please SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, COMMENT and LIKE. I am waiting to hear from you. Until next time! BE SAFE!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Whom is watching you?
Are you familiar with your surroundings? When you walk out of your front door do you hold your head up high and see what surrounds you? Is there a dirty old man on the corner watching you? Is there a thief ready to snatch your purse lurking up the street? Is there a former love that refuses your rejections hanging around your area? Are there pedophiles watching your children? Are there sex offenders that live one step away from you and your family? Are there sex traders that work at the local supermarket right in your neighborhood? Are there cameras in your neighborhood set up by the state(which may be a good thing)?
These are very important questions that we need to ask ourselves. Why? We need to ask ourselves these question because we live in a very dangerous, complex, complicated and psychotic world. We look at the world's scene and shake our heads. We look at the national news and do the same BUT do we pay attention to what is going on locally in our own neighborhoods? Do we pay attention to the robberies, the break ins, the drug sales and use, the rapes, the domestic abuse, the abuse of children, the sexual exploitation of children, the disappearance of people, especially little children? Do we look at what is happening right in our backyards? More importantly do we pay attention, and DO WE REALLY CARE?
It is very important to know whom is watching us and for what reason. We may never get the chance to find out out why the person may be in a word "stalking" us and that is okay. We need to know HOW we can DEFEND OURSELVES or at least obtain HELP IN DEFENDING OURSELVES!
What methods can we use? There are so many means of defending ones self. It is important that we use the LEGAL ways of defending ourselves so we won't under up in jail. In some cases this may be avoidable especially when it comes to one's life and well being. I have to say that I would rather be in jail from six to 12 months rather than to be underground six to twelve feet for the rest of my life.
(1) BY WORDS. This may seem silly at first but it is true. Some wicked people seek out their victims because they may seem shy and timid, a loner of some sort. They may seem like the type that will not fight back when attacked. The words we may say and the way we say them, the power in our voices as well as the firmness can ward off an attacker. Yelling and screaming and even acting crazy can do us a world of good when it comes to warding off an attacker!
(2) BY WEAPONS. Make sure the weapons that you plan to use are legal in your jurisdiction! Some people use billy clubs, mace, knives, forks, spoons, pens, needles, razors, keys, knuckles and even guns. Some have even taken self defense classes so they can whip a persons butt!
(3) By CAMERA. People are afraid of being identified by means of exposure, especially by means of a video or a picture. Even the cheapest phones have a camera on them. We need to use them and even teach our little children to use them effectively!
(4) BY POLICE. I know, I know this can be very CONTROVERSIAL because of everything going on with the police and it's issues! I need to say this. EVERY POLICE OFFICER IS NOT CORRUPT and/or RACIST. There are a few that will protect and serve and defend civilians. We must take our chances with calling the police because at times that may be the only recourse that we may have.
We must pay attention to your surrounds. It is extremely important. Teach our elderly loves ones and our children. The wicked prey on everyone especially those they consider to be vulnerable and weak! There you have it, Shelly's opinion. Please tell me yours. I will be waiting! Please SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT, SHARE AND LIKE! Until next time PLEASE BE SAFE!
Friday, July 25, 2014
Why do you hate me?
Many individuals live in countries that are full of freedoms, liberties and justices for all. Yet there is so much HATRED among people. Why do you hate me? Do you hate me because of my religious views? Do you hate me because of my gender? Do you hate me because of my lack of a political stance? Do you hate me because I am overweight? Do you hate me because of my attitude? Do you hate me because I have a big mouth? Do you hate me because of the texture of my hair? Do you hate me because I am poor? Do you hate me because of my sexual orientation? Do you even hate because the color of my skin?
What is HATRED? According to the web, hatred is a loathing, abhorrence, great dislike, or distaste for someone or something.
Why is HATRED running so rampant in today's society? What brings this figurative dust from under the rugs and to the forefront?
There are so many stories that are in the news that depicts the worlds distaste or hatred. Someone once mentioned that "IT IS OKAY" to hate as long as it does not hurt anyone, at least physically. IS THIS ACTUALLY TRUE? A wise man once said "a desire when fertilized will produce results whether good or bad". Is this happening into today' society? Of course it is.
Let's take a look at the infamous story that is blowing up the headlines today, the ERIC GARDNER story.
From what I have read and heard, this man, Mr. Eric Gardner was selling single cigarettes illegally. The police tried to arrest him and he so call resisted. They put him in a choke hold which obstructed his airwaves. This man was, yes overweight and had Asthma. More than several times did this man say he could not breath. This was not taken into consideration, actually they really did not care. HOW IS THIS KNOWN? (1) Video coverage (2) Published excerpts. According to the press, statements have been published from several websites that allow police officers to express themselves. The sentiments mentioned from the Anonymous officers tell the story, it tells what are REALLY in their hearts!
The statements that these men, who swore to protect and serve the public were very vulgar. Most of the statements mentioned something derogatory about his BLACK or AFRICAN AMERICAN race. What does his race have to do with anything? Some mentioned that he did not deserve to live because he was black. Some mentioned that his black family will be compensated for life and their black butts will not have to work ever again. Some mentioned that he did not even deserve his NAME ERIC GARDNER because that name was of GERMAN and EUROPEAN origin. They even gave him a made up AFRICAN laughable name. Some of these officers, many of them said that he did not deserve to live that he deserved to DIE. The statements are utterly ridiculous!
IT IS A KNOWN FACT! It is a known fact that CPR was not administered to Eric Gardner (by the police or by EMS) after he hit the ground. Why was this the case? Was the lack of motivation because he was a BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN? There is a great possibility!
It is a shame that we live in countries, that we live in a world where HATRED overflows. In my opinion HATRED has never ever disappeared. It may have been swept under the covers or put under the rugs for many years but now it has reared it's ugly and disgusting head. HATRED has never died. Sad to say it is all alive and well. "IT IS THE SAME SUIT, DIFFERENT COLOR"! Tell me what is on your mind! PLEASE COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE,and SHARE. Until next time PLEASE DON'T HATE!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
What? It does what?
I posted a recent blog about the benefits of water. Water is great and to me it is a Miracle worker. I know that drinking water has so many properties because I have benefited so much from it through experience. I was happily surprised by an article that I ran across and wanted to share it with you. The article is from under the heading "7 Water Benefits You've Heard Nothing About".
I like the article because it sites the benefits of water that are not the norm. Three out of the seven really peaked my interest!
LOWERS STRESS. The article mentioned that 70% to 80% of your brain tissue is water. It mentions if you are dehydrated that it puts your mind in a stressful situation. Wow! I never knew that. That is something to think about! I NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER! EVERYONE NEEDS HELP WITH STRESS! I know I do!
REDUCES CANCER RISK. Some studies show that if you drink an adequate amount of water it MAY reduce the risk of bladder and colon cancer. It claims that water dilutes the mass of cancer causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with the lining of the bladder. HMMMMMMM! Sounds interesting! I admit that it sounds reasonable also!
BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Drinking water CAN help fight off the flu and other illness. The article mentions respiratory disease, intestinal problems, arthritis and listen to this EVEN HEART ATTACKS! WOW! IF THIS IS TRUE I REALLY NEED TO STEP UP MY WATER GAME! The article also mentions that the best benefits can be obtained when you put a few slices of lemon into your water. I HAVE TO MAKE SURE THAT I INCULCATE LEMON INTO MY WATER EVERYDAY! I WANT AND NEED THE BEST BENEFITS POSSIBLE!
There you have it once again. Great Benefits from drinking water. Tell me your thoughts on this blog. Go all the way down to the end of the page and SUBSCRIBE! PLEASE LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT! Until next time!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Do you wish that your life were different?
Every human on the face of the earth makes mistakes. Either in word or in deed. We all are imperfect. Even with those facts, have you ever wished that your life were different? I realize that I can not go back in time and change anything but I do have some regrets! What would I change?
I WOULD SHOW MORE GRATITUDE. Don't get me wrong. I am a grateful woman. I am grateful, and appreciative for the wonderful opportunities that have been granted to me, but sometimes I have to admit, I can be negative. Sometimes I see that the grass is greener on the other side, or that the glass is half empty rather than half full. Where did I get this negativity from? Ahhh I remember! Not to blame anyone for MY OWN ACTIONS AND THOUGHTS BUT IT CAME FROM BAD ASSOCIATION!
BAD ASSOCIATION. A wise man once said "do not be misled, bad company corrupts good character. Have you ever been around a person whom speaks negative ALL of the time? No matter what good news you present before them they seem to see the negative instead of the positive. Even if you laugh or smile they seem to find something wrong with that! I had one of those friends. I thought she was loving, giving, kind and caring, and she was at first but then something changed. She became a negative, and jealous back stabber. She started to strip me of my dignity. She found everything negative about me and expressed those feelings to others! Her negativity rubbed off on me. THERE IS NO WAY THAT A PERSON WITH A MUDDY SHIRT CAN BE AROUND A PERSON WITH A WHITE SHIRT AND IT DOES NOT RUB OFF! I was given wise counsel about this person BUT I DID NOT LISTEN!
LISTENING TO ADVICE. Okay, I admit it. Sometimes I think I know everything! That is something I have to definitely work on. I was told many years ago to stay away from this person. I did not listen. The person that gave me this advice was wise, mature, intelligent, and had my best interest at heart, but yet I did not listen. She was absolutely right. Who was this person? This person was my MOMMA! Mother knows best. My mother gave me quite a bit of advice that I wish I would have listened to, if I would have listened, my life would be a happier one, guaranteed!
SHOW MORE LOVE. I know that I am an extremely loving person. I get that from my MOMMA but I wish I could add to that! Being a loving person adds to the development of both parties that are involved, the giver and the taker. There are so many things that can be done to show love. Yes by means of word and deed. I need to write out my list and get to working. It may be hard to show love to some people because they can be mean and complicated, BUT I will give it a try.
Now that I have shared with you, why don't you share with me. Please go all the way to the bottom of the page and SUBSCRIBE. Please SHARE, FOLLOW and COMMENT. I really do want to hear from you! Until next time!
Monday, July 21, 2014
I don't drink water!
I don't like water so I don't drink it. Have you ever heard anyone of your friends or family members say that? Have you ever said that? I guess some people just don't like the taste. Many find it hard to drink so they just don't drink it at all. Some people rather drink sport drinks, soda, beer, wine, milk or juice. Even though some juices can be good for you (especially when home made) nothing can replace water. As humans our bodies make up about 50-75 percent of water. According to MAYOCLINIC.ORG we loose a percentage of our bodies water through exercise, environment, illnesses/health conditions, and pregnancies/breast feeding. So we defintely need to replace what we loose.
What are the great benefits of drinking water? There are so many but I will only name just a few. KIDNEY FUNCTION. Our kidneys process 200 quarts of blood daily, the kidneys filter out waste and then it takes our urine to the bladder. Yet, kidneys need enough fluids to clear away what we don’t need in the body. Water gives our bodies a GREAT WASTE FLUSH!
MUSCLE FUEL. Sweating is a normal bodily function. Our bodies are sweating even when we do not know it. Sometimes that sweat is magnified by the activities that we may do, even exercising. Sweating causes our muscles to lose water. When we don’t have enough water, our muscles get tired, and we may feel weak. So for extra energy, we need to try drinking water.
FLUID BALANCE/HYDRATION. When we drink enough water, our bodies fluids are stable, this helps to transport nutrients to the body which helps to regulate body temperature, digest food, and so much more.
Whether the water is bottled, filtered or heated, drinking water is an excellent idea and it shows wisdom. It plays a very essential part of good heath. I know I NEED to drink more water. What about you? Here's to BETTER HEALTH! How do you drink your water? Please let me know. PLEASE READ, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, AND SHARE! Until next time!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Have you ever been SCAMMED!
I love humans! I really do love humans! Why you may ask? I love humans because we are such very unique creatures. We possess such magnificent qualities! We are kind, loving, forgiving, giving and trusting just to name a few. Those qualities are to be admired, but unfortunately some people see these qualities and decide to exploit them. These qualities at times may put us in front line to be VULNERABLE or maybe even to becoming VICTIMS!
Victims how? Victims by means of scamming. What is scamming? Scamming is when someone tries to swindle, trick, deceive, dupe, double cross, hoodwink, bamboozle, con, fleece or shaft someone out of something, usually it is money! Scamming is one of the latest schemes used everywhere.They scam you through the mail, they scam you via the internet, they scam you through the phone, they scam you at your front door. When will this ever stop?
I notice that scammers really do their homework, they really and truly study their prey. They pick individuals that they think are vulnerable and/or weak. The ones they choose usually are women and men of all ages but especially the elderly. These scammers come in all shapes, ages, sizes, and nationalities. They live all over the world, have all types of occupations even high profile ones, own business, etc.
I HAVE NEVER BEEN SCAMMED BUT THEY HAVE CERTAINLY TRIED! I remember the first time someone tried to scam me was when I was on a social website called TAGGED. I did not know anything about this website. Actually it was a website that my female cousin had introduced to me three years prior to me signing up. I encountered a very handsome young man who wanted to be my friend. This was fine with me because I was not there for LOVE or ROMANCE, or anything like that. I just wanted to get to know some people and chat a bit. His picture was very nice. He presented himself as an young educated Nigerian man, who worked a prominent job. After having many conversations with him, he somewhat convinced me that he was an honest, hard working and religious man. We talked for about three months. He was debonair, complimentary, sweet, charming and all of the synonyms you could think of.
Then he hit me with it. HIT ME WITH WHAT? He hit me with his LONG, SAD, SOB AND PULL AT YOUR HEART STRINGS STORY! This man told me that he had a child who was very ill. He mentioned that his child had gotten seriously ill from contaminated water in his country and was going to "die". He said that the government could and would not give him money or help for his child. He also told me that the child's mother was murdered, he had no friends, his parents were dead, his relatives were dead except for one uncle whom was worse off financially than he was. He begged and pleaded, pleaded and begged for me to send him some money. I could hear his heart beating in desperation and his crying through the web (yes he was that good). HE TOLD ME THAT I WAS HIS ONLY DESPERATE HOPE!
After offering him many suggestions, he refuted every last one of them. My heart and mind after considering all of the facts let me know that, HE WAS A SCAMMER. After my refusal to send him money that I didn't have for his "dying child", he started to get angry and berated me. Immediately after our final conversation he BLOCKED ME!
THE FACEBOOK SCAM ATTEMPT! I found a new actor crush. His name is Joseph Van Vicker or BKA as Van Vicker. Some of you probably know him, he is a Ghanian actor. Very handsome, smooth, charming, debonair, beautiful eyes, etc... He is delicious eye candy, such a beautiful looking man (okay, okay let me snap back, lol). Since I was an admirer of his I thought I would subscribe to one of his pages on Facebook. To my surprise one evening his chat boxed turned up and he said "how are you my dear". One of the first things I said was "what" and the next thing I asked was a question. I asked "Are you the real Van Vicker"? He said "Of course I am". We talked over an hour getting to know one another and I told him to prove he was not an imposter by Oovoo, Skype or Facetime. All I heard was crickets and tumble weeds. Mr. Fake Van Vicker decided to send me via chat, a copy of his passport, which is an obvious fake. We continued to talk for a couple of days via Facebook chat and I asked the same questions about verification and he would dodge them. I asked this about four times. Eventually he mentioned that he needed someone with a BOA (BANK OF AMERICA) or WEllSFARGO account. I asked him why would he ask about that, and he claimed he was joking. I mentioned that there are so many accusations against him concerning fraud, scams, etc... As I continued to ask that he prove that he was not an IMPOSTER, his tone started to get hostile. He berated and belittled me, calling me stupid, cursed at me repeatedly, etc.. His final message was one of hostility and belittling once again. I tried to respond to his message but his page has been deleted!
There you have it folks! Those liars and imposters tried to scam me but I dodged them! We have to be sooooo very careful with whom we trust. Some one is always trying to get something from us by dishonest gain. I knew that he was not the real Joseph Van Vicker. An actor of his caliber and busy schedule would not have time to talk to me, chatting with me about my life and liberties. TELL ME YOUR STORY! HAVE YOU BEEN SCAMMED? Please LIKE, SHARE,COMMENT and FOLLOW!
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